建設主要內(nèi)容:年產(chǎn)8000噸鋰離子電池石墨負極材料生產(chǎn)線項目,,謬20畝,,建筑謬12000平方米;工藝技術(shù):石墨原材料—碳化—石墨化—改性—去磁—配料—包裝,;主要設備:數(shù)控/普通車床,,鋸床,鉆床,,銑床,,切片機,拋光機,雕刻機,。 建設起止年限:2016年08月 至 2017年08月 總 投 資:35000萬元 ,,其中: 企業(yè)自籌15000萬元, 國內(nèi)20000萬元,, 其它資金0萬元,。
*project name: professional cooperatives grow project, the construction main content: the project using the land circulation&slope forest land, 300 mu of green agriculture planting project, the main planting pomegranates, walnuts, soft seeds of chinese herbal medicine, construction management uses a room, machine shop, warehouse of agricultural products, fresh fruit cold store, after the completion of the project, with an annual output of 200000 kg, of high quality dried fruit quality fresh fruit 100000 kilograms, solve the villagers around the employment problem, from the environmental, so-l&economic benefit, driving the development of other farmerss point of view, it has good prospects for the project.
瑞鼎集團 rdqh01007sx
*project name: coal-fired boiler upgrade project. construction of the main content: the project to the company the original 5 10 t coal-fired boiler upgraded for 5 to 10 t gas boiler. transformation contents are: the condensed water recycling instead of reconstruction of purified water system, boiler reduce the system noise, a new gas pipeline system, etc. after the completion of the renovation project, in order to clean energy replacement of traditional coal, natural gas can se 1200 tons of standard coal, thermal efficiency at the same time use increased from 60% to over 60%;&can reduce the emissions of harmful substances, of which 58% less carbon dioxide, nitrogen&sulfur oxide reduced by 99%, 81% less nitrogen oxides, slag&waste water to reduce , environmental protection benefit is remarkable.
建筑行業(yè)成功備案項目簡介:建設主要內(nèi)容:建設內(nèi)容:建設-茶園5000畝,茶苗繁育基地100畝,,修建道路25km,,建設排灌噴灌、滴灌,、提灌站和深水井、茶葉加工車間,、倉庫,、包裝車間和檢驗車間等其他配套設施。 工藝技術(shù):鮮葉攤放—殺青—揉捻—解塊—初烘—理條—復烘—提香—包裝入庫主要裝備:購置滾筒殺青機,、揉捻機,、多功能理條機、網(wǎng)帶式連續(xù)烘,、鮮葉萎凋機,、烘焙提香機等設備350臺套 建設起止年限:2016年02月 至 2017年04月 總 投 資:18000萬元 ,其中: 企業(yè)自籌10000萬元,, 國內(nèi)8000萬元,, 其它資金0萬元。