pc/abs丨 lds 3722丨三菱系列coc rsc10097,、eva pn2021、pc cgh2010kr,、pp rd735cf,、pc pz303g2、pp phc28,、pc 115,、ppepkc10zc ,、pp hd822cf,、
pbt 3216、pc dx99854ppo gtx905、ppo hs2000x-80267,、pp 30ym241 ,、pc gn1002fh、pa66 ta505,、pp mx01767c ,、eva 14j6、pc lv-2225zs,、pp pd
(1) foamed shoe material. the shoe material is the most important application field of eva resin in our country. in the eva resin used in the shoe material, the content of vinyl acetate is generally 15% ~ 22%. because eva resin blend foam is soft, elastic&chemical resistant, it is widely used in soles&interior materials of middle&high grade tourist shoes, mountaineering shoes, slippers&sandals. in addition, this material is also used in the field of sound insulation board, gymnastic mat&sealing material.
pc/abs丨 lds 3722丨三菱系列abs 900,、ppo aps8740、pc/abs ce3210,、lcp e4008,、tpe tp6cdz、asa tw35,、pa66 rf003xxh,、pa6 k-fhg6、pp bb725gc ,、
pa66 c1g45,、pbt 420se0ueva ka-31、pp p2413gn,、pc pc-1100,、pa6t htnfr52g20lx 、pp 9150,、lcp a230,、pa6 6030ghsdb、ppo n190,、
pc hpx4-na8a005tpmma eg-930,、pp pd855、pbt 3316
the shrinkage rate of the formed assembly is mainly influenced by the crystallinity&hygroscopicity of the material. the actual shrinkage rate is also related to the design of plastic parts, wall thickness&other process parameters.
pc/abs丨 lds 3722丨三菱系列pom tf-10xap,、pp pf7251,、pp rp344 、pa6 pf004s,、pp p40b03,、pp k9020、pc/abs ac2300,、lcp um 1500/300,、pa6 1015gh35、
pbt nv12shi,、etfe ep-610aspa66 tr380,、pa66 kn333hb30bl、pc/abs fr410mt、tpee rkx200 ,、pa6 v-115,、pp 1747、pp 7855e1,、pc/abs excp0208,、
pc rx2123 wh pp 578p、pa66 akv15h2.0,、ppo gfn2