--- precision resistor co., ltd. has been starting equipment upgrade program. fiber laser trimming systems will replace
all the yag laser&simi-conductor laser.
fiber laser is the most stabilized laser system that will increase the quality of the groove on the resistors so that the stability of the resistors will be increased accordingly.
--- precision resistors makes high precision&ultra precision resistors&ultra precision resistor networks with really high stability&reliability already!
ee series high precision metal film resistors,,tol.0.025%,tcr can reach 5ppm/℃, are made by --- precision resistors. ee series are made of
in the electronic circuit, the resistance play a negative role of current¤t in the circuit resistor in the circuit after much will decrease, is the most commonly used ordinary resistor resistor is used in most electronic circuits, precision resistor values are more sophisticated&widely used in digital form by the million, high precision instrument. weighing scales&other products, the high precision resistor which manufactured by--- precision resistor co.,ltd. with high precision, low temperature coefficient, less affected by the environmental temperature&other characteristics. the tol. can reach 0.01%, tcr can be lower to 1ppm.